sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2008


I want

Someone who thinks:

I wish you saw how great you were.

I wish you saw what life was worth.

You wouldn't have to hide your problems.

And I don't care what you might think.

And that tells me:

There's so much out there you could miss.

there's so much life out there to live

If you would just believe in yourself

You know you're better than all of this you know you've got so much to give

But you're so afraid to give of yourself.

That would make me see:

There's a bright light shining inside you it shines out through your eyes

Don't drown it away, don't be afraid, don't hide

Let it shine

That would make me realise:

You say you're looking for happiness but when it comes, you run away from it

You tell yourself you don't deserve it

There's not much more that I can do now the rest is up to you

Until you love yourself, you'll never change

That always would stay with me:

Run away, run away

But that won't make it any better Run away, run away

You'll keep on running until you deal with today

Where are YOU??

I'm an empty full of questions
A lost soul who's waiting to return
Struggling so hard to be noticed
Fighting against herself
Against what she thinks she is
A loser
I'm a girl that needs someone to tell her that she is especial
Because she broke onto thousend pieces one day
My voice trembles like the saddest love song,
As if I had been clearly isolated for far too long.
Eyes that do water with the sweetest of tears,
Drowning my evidence so it all disapears.
A lip that does quiver at each word not spoken,
Begging for love yet begging to be broken.
My arms don't open to whoever dare come close, even if I need it. I now don't belive in love.
.A heart so icey yet still fragile and pure,
Throbbing in agony for you haven't a cure.
Medication for a black hole far beyond saving,
Or maybe it is the pain your existance is craving.

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2007

Our choices

Há um certo momento que toda sua vida sai de seu curso.Nesse momento de desespero você deve escolher a sua direção.
Você lutará pra seguir o caminho?
Outros vão dizer quem você realmente é?
Ou você mesmo vai se rotular?Você será honrado pela sua escolha?
Ou abraçará seu novo caminho?
Cada manha você escolhe em seguir em frente.Ou em simplesmente desistir?
Há um certo momento que toda vida sai de seu curso.Nesse momento de desespero, quem você será?
Você baixará a guarda?E achará conforto em alguém em que não esperava?
Você esticará os braços?
Você enfrentará seus maiores medos corajosamente?E seguirá em frente com fé?
Ou você vai sucumbir a escuridão da sua alma?

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007

My Leading Star

" The important thing is not to be bitter over life’s disappointments.Is learn to let go of the past. And recognise that every day won’t be sunny. But when you find yourself lost in the darkness of despair… Remember, it’s only in the black of night… that you can see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home.

So, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. To stumble and fall. Coz, most of the time,the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you’ll get everything you wish for…Maybe, you’ll get more than you ever could’ve imagined. Who knows where life will take you.The road is long, and in the end the journey is the destination."